Weightage Average Calculator

A weighted average is a type of average where each value in a dataset is multiplied by a weight that reflects its relative importance. The formula for calculating a weighted average is

Weightage Average = ∑i=1i=n Wi*Xi / ∑ Wi

Each data point is multiplied by its corresponding weight, and then all the weighted values are summed up. The sum of the weights is then used to divide the total weighted sum, giving a more accurate average when some values are more important than others.

This calculator allows you to quickly and easily compute the weighted average for any data set. Whether you are dealing with grades, investment returns, or any situation where certain values have more significance than others, this tool enables you to input your data values and their corresponding weights. Consequently, the calculator automatically computes the weighted average, displays the formula used, and shows the result. Additionally, you can add as many data points as needed, making it versatile for various applications, such as calculating weighted grades, portfolio performance, or project scores with different weightings. In summary, it offers a fast, accurate, and user-friendly way to perform weighted average calculations.

Weighted Average Calculator

Weighted Average Calculator

Data and Weightages


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