Calculation of Storm Water Runoff

 In this calculator, we will use the “Rational Formula”  to determine the stormwater runoff                                                                                                

Stormwater Runoff in  m3 / sec                     Q             =             C*I*A / 3.6 *106                                    


C             Runoff coefficient                                                                                                                          

I               Rainfall intensity in mm/hr                                                                                                                          

A             Catchment area in m  

Due to the Runoff coefficient value, A is further divided into these five categories:

Concrete paved area(A1)

Asphaltic paved area(A2)

Gravel paved area(A3)

Unpaved soil area(A4)

Grassy area (A5)

Another advantage of this calculator is that users have the option to input area in any of the following units i.e. hectare, acre, and sqm.

Rainwater Runoff Calculation

Rainwater Runoff Calculation
