Survey on Renewable Energy Sources

Renewable Energy Survey

Thank you for participating in our survey! Your responses will help us understand public opinion and knowledge about renewable energy. The survey should take about 5-10 minutes to complete.

1. How familiar are you with renewable energy sources?

2. Which of the following renewable energy sources are you aware of? (Select all that apply)

3. In your opinion, what is the most important benefit of renewable energy?

4. How likely are you to support government policies that promote the use of renewable energy?

5. Do you currently use any renewable energy sources in your home?

6. What do you perceive as the biggest barrier to adopting renewable energy in your home?

7. How do you think renewable energy can be made more accessible to the general public?

8. How important is it for you that the energy you use comes from renewable sources?

9. Which of the following statements best describes your view on renewable energy?

10. Would you be willing to pay a higher rate for energy if it was guaranteed to come from renewable sources?

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