Muslim Baby Boy Names with Meaning

Choosing the name for your baby is a special and meaningful task. In Islamic tradition, names carry deep significance, often reflecting virtues, blessings, and qualities parents hope to instill in their children. This list of Muslim baby boy names offers a beautiful selection, each accompanied by its meaning and explanation, helping you make a meaningful choice for your little one. These names will inspire you whether you’re seeking a traditional name or something unique.

Table of Contents

Names and Their Meaning

Abbas – عباس

Meaning: شیر، نڈر، دلیر (Brave, Lion-hearted)
Explanation: The name “Abbas” signifies courage and a strong, lion-hearted character, reflecting bravery and strength.

Abdullah – عبداللہ

Meaning: الله کا بندہ (Servant of Allah)
Explanation: “Abdullah” directly translates to a servant of Allah, emphasizing devotion and servitude to the Creator.

Abdu’l Basit – عبد الباسط

Meaning: الله کا بندہ جو ہر چیز کو پھیلانے والا ہے (Servant of the Extender)
Explanation: “Basit” means “the one who spreads” or “extends.” The name reflects a servant of Allah who is capable of spreading blessings, grace, or knowledge. It is a name that symbolizes someone who brings good to others.

Abdul Ghafor – عبد الغفور

Meaning: معاف کرنے والا الله کا بندہ (Servant of the Most Forgiving)
Explanation: This name is for someone who serves Allah and shows kindness and forgiveness. “Ghafor” means the one who forgives, which reflects Allah’s quality of being forgiving. It’s a name for someone who is understanding and quick to forgive others.

Abdul Ghani – عبد الغنی

Meaning: الله کا بندہ جو بے نیاز ہے (Servant of the Self-Sufficient)
Explanation: “Ghani” means self-sufficient or independent. This name signifies a person devoted to Allah, free from worldly needs, reflecting divine richness and spiritual independence.

Abdul Hadi – عبد الہادی

Meaning: ہدایت دینے والا الله کا بندہ (Servant of the Guide)
Explanation: “Hadi” refers to the one who guides others. The name implies a servant of Allah who is a source of direction and enlightenment for others, showing the path of righteousness.

Abdul Jabbar – عبد الجبار

Meaning: الله کا بندہ جو طاقتور ہے (Servant of the Compeller)
Explanation: “Jabbar” means mighty or powerful. The name reflects a servant of Allah who is empowered by divine strength and authority, symbolizing strength and resilience.

Abdul Karim – عبد الکریم

Meaning: الله کا بندہ جو بہت کرم کرنے والا ہے (Servant of the Most Generous)
Explanation: “Karim” means generous. This name reflects a servant of Allah who embodies generosity, kindness, and mercy, always ready to help those in need.

Abdul Majid – عبد المجید

Meaning: الله کا بندہ جو عظمت والا ہے (Servant of the Glorious)
Explanation: “Majid” means glorious. The name signifies a servant of Allah who is associated with grandeur, excellence, and majesty, embodying divine honor.

Abdul Moiz – عبد المعز

Meaning: الله کا بندہ جو عزت دینے والا ہے (Servant of the Honourer)
Explanation: “Moiz” refers to one who grants honor. The name suggests a person who serves Allah and is granted dignity and respect, reflecting the divine ability to uplift and honor others.

Abdul Qadir – عبد القادر

Meaning: الله کا بندہ جو قادر ہے (Servant of the All-Powerful)
Explanation: “Qadir” means powerful and capable. This name represents a servant of Allah, endowed with strength and power, capable of facing life’s challenges with divine support.

Abdul Rauf – عبد الرؤوف

Meaning: الله کا بندہ جو بہت مہربان ہے (Servant of the Most Compassionate)
Explanation: “Rauf” means compassionate and merciful. The name signifies a person who serves Allah and is endowed with a deep sense of empathy, kindness, and compassion towards others.

Abdul Rahim – عبد الرحیم

Meaning: الله کا بندہ جو بہت رحم کرنے والا ہے (Servant of the Most Merciful)
Explanation: “Rahim” refers to one who is merciful. The name signifies a servant of Allah who embodies compassion and forgiveness.

Abdul Rehman – عبد الرحمن

Meaning: الله کا بندہ جو بہت مہربان ہے (Servant of the Beneficent)
Explanation: “Rehman” means the Beneficent, a title of Allah. The name reflects a servant of Allah who is filled with kindness, mercy, and compassion.

Abdul Wahab – عبد الوہاب

Meaning: الله کا بندہ جو عطا کرنے والا ہے (Servant of the Bestower)
Explanation: “Wahab” means the giver or bestower. The name reflects a servant of Allah who is generous and offers divine blessings.

Abdul Razzaq – عبد الرزاق

Meaning: الله کا بندہ جو رزق دینے والا ہے (Servant of the Provider)
Explanation: “Razzaq” refers to the sustainer or provider. The name reflects a servant of Allah who believes in divine sustenance and provision, acknowledging Allah as the source of all blessings.

Abdul Samad – عبد الصمد

Meaning: الله کا بندہ جو بے نیاز ہے (Servant of the Eternal, the Satisfier)
Explanation: “Samad” means eternal or the one who is self-sufficient and does not need anything. The name reflects a servant of Allah who relies solely on Allah for all their needs, acknowledging His eternal existence.

Abdul Salam – عبد السلام

Meaning: الله کا بندہ جو سلامتی دینے والا ہے (Servant of the Source of Peace)
Explanation: “Salam” means peace. This name signifies a person who serves Allah and brings peace, calm, and tranquility to the world around them, reflecting divine harmony.

Abdul Wadood – عبد الودود

Meaning: الله کا بندہ جو محبت کرنے والا ہے (Servant of the Most Loving)
Explanation: “Wadood” means loving and affectionate. The name reflects a servant of Allah who is endowed with deep love, affection, and care for others, mirroring Allah’s love.

Adeel – عدیل

Meaning: انصاف کرنے والا (Just, Fair)
Explanation: “Adeel” means just or fair. The name signifies a person known for their fairness, who upholds justice and righteousness in their actions, embodying equity and balance.

Adnan – عدنان

Meaning: بہشت میں رہنے والا، جنت میں رہنے وال (The one who lives in Paradise)
Explanation: The name Adnan is derived from the idea of living in heaven or paradise. It is believed to be linked to a noble lineage, and sometimes interpreted as someone destined for eternal happiness or divine reward. The name also refers to the descendants of the great Arab ancestor Adnan, who is considered a forefather of the Prophet Muhammad ( صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)

Ahmed – احمد

Meaning: بہت تعریف والا (Highly Praised)
Explanation: “Ahmed” is a famous name of Muhammad ( صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم). The name is associated with someone who is greatly praised, and known for their virtuous qualities and commendable character.

Ahsan – احسن

Meaning: بہترین، سب سے اچھا (Best, Most Excellent)
Explanation: “Ahsan” means excellent or the best. The name signifies a person who excels in every aspect of life, striving for excellence in character, conduct, and achievements.

Akbar – اکبر

Meaning: عظیم تر (Greater, Greatest)
Explanation: “Akbar” means greater or the greatest. The name reflects greatness, not only in physical sense but in character and accomplishments, symbolizing greatness and superiority.

Ali – علی

Meaning: بلند، عظیم (Elevated, Exalted)
Explanation: Meaning: علی (Ali) – Elevated, Exalted, Noble

Explanation: The name “Ali” means “elevated” or “exalted,” symbolizing nobility, greatness, and high status. It was the name of the fourth caliph in Islam, who was the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad ( صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم). Ali is revered for his wisdom, courage, and dedication to justice, and he is considered a role model for his leadership and commitment to Islam.

Anas – انس

Meaning: محبت اور تعلق (Affection, Close to Heart)
Explanation: “Anas” means affection, familiarity, or comfort. The name signifies someone who brings warmth and closeness to relationships, someone who is easy to approach and forms strong bonds.

Arif – عارف

Meaning: جاننے والا، حکمت والا (Knowledgeable, Wise)
Explanation: “Arif” means one who is knowledgeable or wise. The name reflects a person who has deep understanding and insight, both in spiritual and worldly matters.

Asim – عاصم

Meaning: تحفظ دینے والا، بچانے والا (Protector, Defender)
Explanation: “Asim” means protector or defender. The name signifies a person who defends and safeguards others, providing safety and security to those around them.

Ashraf – اشرف

Meaning: اعلیٰ ترین، سب سے شرف والا (Noblest, Most Honorable)
Explanation: “Ashraf” means the most honorable or noble. The name reflects a person of high status, character, and integrity, revered for their noble qualities.

Ayan – ایان

Meaning: خوشحال، خوش قسمت (Lucky, Fortunate)
Explanation: “Ayan” signifies someone who is fortunate or blessed with good luck. The name reflects a person who experiences success and happiness in their life, often associated with positivity and good fortune.

Affan – عفان
Meaning: معاف کرنے والا (The Forgiver)
Explanation: “Affan” means the one who forgives. The name signifies a person known for their ability to forgive others, showing mercy, understanding, and compassion. It reflects someone with a noble heart, always ready to pardon the mistakes of others.

Awais – اویس

Meaning: ایک وفادار دوست (A loyal companion)
Explanation: “Awais” refers to a loyal companion or a devoted friend. It is often associated with someone who is loyal, trustworthy, and supports others with full devotion.

Ayyub – ایوب

Meaning: صبر کرنے والا، پریشانیوں کا سامنا کرنے والا (Patient, Enduring)
Explanation: “Ayyub” refers to Prophet Hazrat Ayyub ( علیہ السلام). It signifies someone who shows patience and endurance, especially in the face of trials and hardships, reflecting the strength of character in the face of adversity.

Azam – اعظم

Meaning: عظیم، بڑا (Great, Supreme)
Explanation: “Azam” means great or supreme. The name reflects a person who holds a high status and is known for their wisdom, greatness, and strength of character.

Bashir – بشیر

Meaning:  والا دینے خوشخبری (Bringer of Good News )

Explanation: “Bashir” refers to someone who delivers good news or brings positive change to others.

Bilal – بلال

Meaning:  تروتازگی، نمی (Moistening, Freshness )
Explanation: “Bilal” is a name associated with water, symbolizing freshness and purity. It represents someone who brings freshness, life, and vitality to situations, often symbolizing spiritual purity and cleanliness.

Burhan – برہان

Meaning:   دلیل، ثبوت (Proof, Evidence)
Explanation: “Burhan” means proof or evidence. The name signifies a person who stands as a strong argument or proof for truth and righteousness, embodying clarity and reason.

Danish – دانش

Meaning: عقل، علم (Wisdom, Knowledge)
Explanation: “Danish” means wisdom or knowledge. The name signifies someone with intellectual depth, seeking truth and understanding in life and imparting knowledge to others.

Ehsan – احسان

Meaning:   مہربانی، اچھائی (Kindness, Goodness)
Explanation: “Ehsan” means kindness or goodness. It refers to someone who performs acts of kindness, demonstrating generosity, and treating others with compassion and respect.

Ejaz – اعجاز

Meaning: معجزہ (Miracle )
Explanation: “Ejaz” refers to a miracle, indicating an individual who possesses extraordinary qualities or performs miraculous acts.

Faizan – فیضان

Meaning: کرم، رحمت (Grace, Blessing)
Explanation: “Faizan” means grace or blessing. The name reflects a person who is a source of grace, who brings kindness and blessings to others, enriching the lives of those around them.

Farhan – فرحان

Meaning: –  خوش، شادمان(Happy, Joyful)
Explanation: “Farhan” means happy. The name represents a person who brings happiness and joy wherever they go and spreads positivity and smiles.

Farooq – فاروق

Meaning: حق و باطل میں فرق کرنے والا(Distinguisher of Right and Wrong)
Explanation: “Farooq” means the one who distinguishes between right and wrong. It is a name given to someone with great discernment and wisdom, often used for someone who can judge situations clearly and fairly.

Fawad – فواد

Meaning:دل، جذبات(Heart, Feelings)
Explanation: “Fawad” means heart or feelings. The name signifies someone who is emotionally sensitive, compassionate, and has a loving and kind nature.

Fahad – فہد

Meaning:چیتا، تیز (Panther, Fast)
Explanation: “Fahad” refers to a panther, signifying speed, agility, and strength, traits associated with this majestic animal.

Fahim – فہیم

Meaning:سمجھدار، عقلمند (Intelligent, Wise )
Explanation: “Fahim” means wise or intelligent, representing someone with deep understanding and sharp intellect.

Fayaz – فیاض

Meaning: سخی(Generous)
Explanation: “Fayaz” signifies generosity, referring to someone who is open-handed and charitable, offering help to others without hesitation.

Faysal – فیصل

Meaning: فیصلہ کرنے والا(Decisive)
Explanation: “Faysal” means decisive or determined, representing someone who makes clear and firm decisions.

Ghazi – غازی

Meaning: (جنگجو، فاتحWarrior, Conqueror)

 Explanation: “Ghazi” refers to a warrior or conqueror, symbolizing someone who is victorious, especially in the context of battle or struggle. The name is often given to those who have shown great bravery and achieved success in conflicts or challenges, particularly in a religious or historical context.

Ghiyāth – غیاث

Meaning:مددگار (Helper )

Explanation: “Ghiyāth” represents someone who assists others, especially in times of need, embodying support and aid.

Ghous ul Azam – غوث الاعظم

Meaning:سب سے بڑا مددگار (The Greatest Helper, The Greatest Supporter ) Explanation: “Ghous ul Azam” refers to “The Greatest Helper,” a title used for Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani, a prominent Islamic saint known for his deep spirituality and miraculous abilities. The name signifies an individual who provides immense spiritual assistance to others, often invoking divine support.

Hamid – حمید

Meaning:  قابل تعریف، بزرگ(Praiseworthy, Glorified )

Explanation: “Hamid” means praiseworthy. The name signifies a person who is worthy of praise, often associated with virtues and qualities that deserve admiration and reverence.

Haris –حارث

Meaning:محافظ (Guardian, Protector )
Explanation: “Haris” means a protector or guardian. It refers to someone who looks after others, keeping them safe from harm and ensuring their well-being.

Haseeb – حسیب

Meaning: عزت دار، شریف(Respected, Noble )
Explanation: “Haseeb” refers to someone who is noble and has high status, deserving of respect and honor.

Hadiyyatullāh – ہدیت اللہ

Meaning:اللہ کی رہنمائی ( Guidance from Allah )
Explanation: The name reflects divine guidance granted by Allah, suggesting a person who is inspired by Allah’s wisdom and direction.

Hamza – حمزہ

Meaning:شیر، بہادر (Lion, Brave )

Explanation: “Hamza” means lion, representing strength, courage, and bravery. It was also the name of Prophet Muhammad’s ( صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) uncle, who was known for his bravery. Hamza is often remembered as a symbol of heroism and a defender of faith.

Haamid – حامد

Meaning:تعریف کرنے والا (Praiser)
Explanation: “Haamid” is derived from “Hamd,” meaning praise, indicating someone who expresses gratitude and appreciation.

Habibullah – حبیب اللہ

Meaning:  اللہ کا محبوب(Beloved of Allah) 

Explanation: “Habibullah” means the beloved of Allah, referring to someone who is deeply loved and cherished by the Creator.

Huzaifa – حذیفہ

Meaning:ذہین، حکمت والا (Intelligent, Wise)
Explanation: “Huzaifa” refers to one of the companions of Prophet Muhammad ( صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم). He was known for his wisdom, intelligence, and loyalty. The name signifies someone who is sharp-minded and wise, often associated with faith and devotion.

Hasan – حسن

Meaning:اچھائی، خوبصورتی (Good, Beautiful )

Explanation: The name “Hasan” means “good,” “handsome,” or “beautiful,” symbolizing qualities of charm, kindness, and excellence. It was the name of the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم), Hasan ibn Ali (رضي الله عنه). Hasan is revered for his noble character, patience, and leadership. He is known for his piety and his peaceful efforts to maintain unity within the Muslim community.

Hussain – حسین

Meaning: خوبصورت، عظمت(Handsome, Greatness)
Explanation: The name “Hussain” means “beautiful,” “handsome,” or “greatness,” representing courage, honor, and dignity. It was the name of the younger grandson of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم), Hussain ibn Ali (رضي الله عنه). Hussain is especially remembered for his incredible bravery and sacrifice in the Battle of Karbala, where he stood up for justice and righteousness, becoming a symbol of resistance against oppression.

Hussnain – حسنین

Meaning:دو خوبصورت (Two who are Beautiful)
Explanation: The name “Hussnain” is a combination of Hasan (رضي الله عنه) and Hussain (رضي الله عنه), meaning “two beauties” or “two handsome ones.” It is often used to refer to the grandsons of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم), Hasan ibn Ali (رضي الله عنه) and Hussain ibn Ali (رضي الله عنه). Together, they are revered for their noble character, bravery, and devotion to Islam. The name “Hussnain” symbolizes the combined virtues of beauty, courage, and righteousness

Imran – عمران

Meaning: ترقی، افزائش(Prosperity, Growth)
Explanation: “Imran” means prosperity or growth. It refers to someone who brings prosperity, either in terms of wealth, personal development, or contributing to society’s well-being.

Irfan – عرفان

Meaning: علم، سمجھ(Knowledge, Understanding) 

Explanation: “Irfan” means knowledge or understanding. The name suggests a person who possesses deep wisdom and insight, especially in spiritual or intellectual matters.

 Ibraheem – ابراہیم

Meaning: حضرت ابراہیم(Prophet Abraham)
Explanation: “Ibraheem” refers to Prophet Abraham( علیہ السلام), a significant and revered figure in Islamic history. Known for his unwavering faith, devotion to Allah, and willingness to sacrifice for His sake, he is considered a model of faith and obedience in Islam.

Idris – ادریس

Meaning: علم رکھنے والا(The Learned One) 
Explanation: The name “Idris” means “interpreter” or “The learned one.” It is the name of a Prophet in Islam, Prophet Idris (علیہ السلام), who is believed to have been a man of great wisdom and knowledge.

Ismail – اسماعیل

Meaning:“اللہ کا جواب (heard by Allah) 
Explanation: The name “Ismail” means “Allah will hear” or “heard by Allah.” It is the name of the Prophet Ismail (علیہ السلام), the son of Prophet Ibrahim (علیہ السلام) and Hajar (رضی الله عنھا). Ismail is highly revered in Islam for his patience, obedience, and unwavering faith in Allah. One of the most significant events in his life is the story of his near-sacrifice by his father, Prophet Ibrahim, in obedience to God’s command.

Jameel – جمیل

Meaning: خوبصورت، خوبصورتی (Beautiful, Graceful)
Explanation: “Jameel” means beautiful or graceful. It describes someone who is aesthetically pleasing, both in appearance and character, with a calm and noble demeanor. The name signifies inner and outer beauty, blending physical attractiveness with refined character.

Jamal – جمال

Meaning: خوبصورتی (Beauty)
Explanation: “Jamal” signifies beauty, representing someone with a graceful, attractive presence. The name evokes an image of elegance and charm, both in appearance and personality.

Jamshid – جمشد

Meaning: روشنی، عظمت (Light, Glory)
Explanation: “Jamshid” is an ancient Persian name, meaning light or glory. It is associated with greatness, shining brightly in terms of wisdom, leadership, and contributions to society. The name conveys a sense of majesty and enlightenment.

Junaid – جُنید

Meaning: سپہ سالار، فوجی (Warrior, Soldier)
Explanation: “Junaid” means soldier or warrior. The name carries connotations of strength, courage, and leadership, often associated with someone who leads with determination and purpose, standing firm in the face of challenges.

Kashan – کاشان

Meaning: خوبصورت، آرٹ کا مرکز (Beautiful, Center of Art)
Explanation: “Kashan” refers to a beautiful place, often associated with cities known for their rich cultural heritage, arts, and craftsmanship. The name suggests a person with an artistic soul or a refined sense of beauty.

Kashif – کاشف

Meaning: حقیقت کا پتا چلانے والا (Revealer of the Truth)
Explanation: “Kashif” means someone who uncovers or reveals the truth, symbolizing wisdom and insight. It represents someone who brings clarity and light to complex situations or hidden realities.

Karim – کریم

Meaning: مہربان، سخاوت (Generous, Benevolent)
Explanation: “Karim” means generous or kind-hearted. It is often used to describe someone who is compassionate, giving, and embodies the values of charity and benevolence. The name reflects the virtue of selflessness and a caring nature.

Khalid – خالد

Meaning: ہمیشہ زندہ رہنے والا (Eternal, Immortal)
Explanation: “Khalid” means eternal or immortal. The name signifies someone whose legacy, actions, or spirit will live on, symbolizing permanence and enduring greatness, often linked to an everlasting impact.

Khurram – خرم

Meaning: خوش، مسرور (Happy, Joyful)
Explanation: “Khurram” means happy or joyous. It refers to a person who is cheerful, optimistic and brings happiness to those around them. The name signifies a bright and positive personality.

Kamal – کمال

Meaning: مکمل، کامل (Perfection)
Explanation: “Kamal” signifies perfection, representing an individual who is complete and flawless in their qualities or abilities. The name reflects the pursuit of excellence and mastery.

Kamil – کامل

Meaning: مکمل، بے عیب (Perfect)
Explanation: “Kamil” means perfect or complete, signifying someone who is without flaw and exhibits exceptional qualities. The name reflects the ideal of reaching the highest standards in every aspect of life.

Latif – لطیف

Meaning: نرم، مہذب (Gentle, Polite)
Explanation: “Latif” means gentle or polite. The name represents someone who is kind, refined, and has a subtle, delicate manner, often with a calm demeanor and kindness toward others.

Luqman – لقمان

Meaning: حکمت والا (Wise)
Explanation: “Luqman” is associated with wisdom. It is the name of a famous figure in Islamic tradition known for his profound wisdom, offering guidance and counsel to others. The name represents a person who embodies deep knowledge and understanding.

Maaz – معاذ

Meaning: پناہ، محفوظ (Protected, Safe)
Explanation: “Maaz” means protected or safe. It suggests a person who is under divine protection, secure from harm, and blessed with safety in all aspects of life. The name symbolizes security and spiritual safeguarding.

Mahmud – محمود

Meaning: قابل تعریف، ستائش (Praiseworthy, Commended)
Explanation: “Mahmud” means praiseworthy or commendable. The name represents someone who deserves praise and recognition for their good deeds, virtues, and admirable qualities. It reflects a person who earns respect through their actions.

Mansoor – منصور

Meaning: مدد پانے والا، کامیاب (Victorious, Helper)
Explanation: “Mansoor” means victorious or one who has been helped or aided. The name suggests success achieved through divine support or strength, often used to symbolize victory in battles or challenges.

Mazhar – مظہر

Meaning: ظاہر، نمودار (Manifestation, Appearance)
Explanation: “Mazhar” means manifestation or appearance. It refers to someone who shows or reveals something, often used to denote someone who displays divine light, grace, or excellence. The name signifies an individual who reflects or reveals higher truths.

Muneeb – منیب

Meaning: رجوع کرنے والا، توبہ کرنے والا (One who repents, Returning to Allah)
Explanation: “Muneeb” means someone who turns towards Allah or repents. It is a name reflecting spirituality and a person’s desire to seek guidance and forgiveness from the Almighty. It symbolizes humility and divine devotion.

Mustafa – مصطفی

Meaning: منتخب، چنا ہوا (Chosen, Selected)
Explanation: The name “Mustafa” means someone who is chosen or selected. It is a special title given to Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم), which means “the chosen one.” The name signifies a person who has been selected for a noble and important purpose, blessed with divine favor and guidance. It represents honor, distinction, and being specially chosen by God for a high and sacred mission.

Mustaqim – مستقیم

Meaning: راستہ پر چلنے والا، سچا (Straightforward, on the Right Path)
Explanation: “Mustaqim” means one who is on the right path or someone who follows the straight and righteous path. It is often associated with the phrase “Sirat al-Mustaqim” (the Straight Path) mentioned in the Quran, which refers to the path of righteousness and guidance.

Mubashir – مبشر

Meaning: خوشخبری دینے والا (Bringer of Good News)
Explanation: “Mubashir” is someone who delivers positive and joyful news, spreading happiness and hope. It symbolizes a person who uplifts others with their words and actions.

Mubin – مبین

Meaning: واضح، کھلا (Clear, Obvious)
Explanation: “Mubin” refers to clarity, denoting someone whose actions or words are transparent and easy to understand. The name signifies someone who brings clarity to complex situations.

Muzamil – مزمل

Meaning: پگھلے ہوئے، ملبوس (Wrapped in cloth)
Explanation: “Muzamil” refers to someone who is wrapped in cloth, symbolizing protection and care. It is often associated with a pious person, indicating spiritual warmth and devotion, as well as a sense of divine protection.

Mudasir – مدثر

Meaning: چادر اوڑھنے والا (One who is wrapped in a cloak)
Explanation: “Mudasir” refers to someone who is wrapped in a cloak, symbolizing a person with honor, dignity, and divine protection. It is often associated with a person who is called upon for a significant task or a messenger with a mission, as seen in Islamic tradition.

Mujahid – مجاہد

Meaning: جنگجو (Warrior)
Explanation: “Mujahid” refers to a warrior, someone dedicated to battle or fighting for a cause, often linked with the defense of faith. The name signifies courage and determination.

Munir – منیر

Meaning: روشن، چمکدار (Illuminated)
Explanation: “Munir” means illuminated or shining, representing someone who brings light, guidance, and enlightenment. The name symbolizes someone who enlightens others, offering clarity and knowledge.

Maajid – ماجد

Meaning: عظمت والا (Glorious)
Explanation: “Maajid” refers to someone who is glorious or distinguished for their honor and greatness. The name signifies someone who stands out due to their excellence and virtuous qualities.

Mahmood – محمود

Meaning: پسندیدہ، تعریف کیا گیا (Praised, Worthy of Praise)
Explanation: “Mahmood” signifies someone who is worthy of praise, a person held in high regard for their character and actions. It represents someone whose deeds are recognized and admired by others.

Matin – متین

Meaning: مضبوط، پائیدار (Steady, Strong)
Explanation: “Matin” refers to strength and steadfastness, representing a person who is unwavering and resolute. The name symbolizes inner resilience and perseverance.

Misbah – مصباح

Meaning: چراغ، روشنی (Lamp, Light)
Explanation: “Misbah” means lamp or light, symbolizing someone who brings illumination, guidance, or clarity. It represents a person who sheds light on truth and knowledge.

Mujeeb – مجیب

Meaning: دعا قبول کرنے والا (Answerer of Prayer)
Explanation: “Mujeeb” refers to one who answers prayers, often a divine attribute. The name signifies someone who responds to the needs and calls of others, representing compassion and divine mercy.

Nabeel – نبیل

Meaning: نیک، شریف (Noble, Generous)
Explanation: “Nabeel” means noble or generous. The name reflects qualities of a person who is dignified, honorable, and demonstrates selflessness and generosity.

Nadir – نادر

Meaning: نایاب، قیمتی (Rare, Precious)
Explanation: “Nadir” means rare or precious. It represents something unique, extraordinary, or highly valued, symbolizing rarity and distinction.

Nasir – ناصر

Meaning: مددگار، فاتح (Helper, Victorious)
Explanation: “Nasir” means helper or victorious. It signifies a person who assists others and is a source of support, often associated with someone who helps achieve victory or success.

Naveed – نوید

Meaning: خوشخبری، خوشحال (Good News, Joyful)
Explanation: “Naveed” means good news or glad tidings. It signifies a person who brings happiness or joy to others, symbolizing positivity and the spreading of good news.

Naimatullah – نعمت اللہ

Meaning: اللہ کی نعمت (Blessing of Allah)
Explanation: “Naimatullah” means the blessing of Allah. The name reflects the idea of divine favor or a gift from Allah, symbolizing gratitude for the blessings and goodness that one receives in life.

Qasim – قاسم

Meaning: تقسیم کرنے والا (Distributor)
Explanation: “Qasim” means distributor or one who divides. It can symbolize a person who shares resources or blessings with others or distributes them justly.

Rameez – رمیز

Meaning: نشان، اشارہ (Sign, Symbol)
Explanation: “Rameez” means a sign or symbol. It refers to someone who is symbolic of something larger, representing a certain quality or idea with their presence.

Rashid – رشید

Meaning: ہدایت دینے والا (The Guide, The Rightly Guided)
Explanation: The name “Rashid” means one who is rightly guided, someone who follows the path of wisdom and righteousness. It carries a sense of enlightenment and guidance, often referring to a person who is blessed with wisdom and good judgment.

Rehan – ریحان

Meaning: خوشبو، خوشگوار (Fragrance, Sweet-scented)
Explanation: “Rehan” means fragrance or sweet-scented. It refers to someone who is a source of positivity, joy, or pleasure, much like a beautiful aroma.

Riaz – ریاض

Meaning: باغ، جنت (Garden, Paradise)
Explanation: “Riaz” means garden or paradise. It symbolizes beauty, tranquility, and a serene environment, referring to someone who brings peace and contentment to others.

Rizwan – رضوان

Meaning: خوشنودی، رضا (Pleasure, Contentment)
Explanation: “Rizwan” means pleasure or contentment. It is also the name of the gatekeeper of Heaven in Islamic tradition, symbolizing a person who is a source of satisfaction and happiness.

Rayyan – ریان

Meaning: جنت کا دروازہ (Gate of Heaven)
Explanation: “Rayyan” is the name of one of the gates of heaven, symbolizing someone who is destined for paradise due to their righteous deeds.

Saad – سعد

Meaning: خوش قسمتی، کامیابی (Happiness, Prosperity)
Explanation: “Saad” means happiness or prosperity. It reflects a person who brings good fortune and joy to others, symbolizing success and well-being.

Saim – صائم

Meaning: روزہ رکھنے والا (Fasting, One who fasts)
Explanation: “Saim” refers to a person who fasts, especially during the holy month of Ramadan. It symbolizes spiritual devotion, self-discipline, and purity.

Salman – سلمان

Meaning: سلامتی، امن (Peace, Safety)
Explanation: “Salman” means peace or safety. It refers to someone who brings harmony and is a source of peace, or who has an inner calm and tranquility.

Shahbaz – شہباز

Meaning: بلند حوصلہ، عقاب (High-spirited, Falcon)
Explanation: “Shahbaz” means high-spirited or a falcon. It represents strength, nobility, and courage, symbolizing a person who is brave and ambitious.

Shahid – شاہد

Meaning: گواہ، مشاہدہ کرنے والا (Witness, Observer)
Explanation: “Shahid” means witness or observer. It represents someone who is a witness to events, embodying truth, justice, and clarity in their actions.

Shams – شمس

Meaning: سورج (Sun)
Explanation: “Shams” means the sun. It symbolizes radiance, warmth, and vitality, referring to someone who brings light, energy, and hope to others.

Syed – سید

Meaning: شریف، بزرگ (Noble, Leader)
Explanation: “Syed” refers to someone of noble descent, especially someone from the lineage of the Prophet Muhammad ( صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم). It signifies respect, leadership, and honor.

Sohail – سہیل

Meaning: ایک روشن اور چمکدار ستارہ (A bright and shining star)
Explanation: “Sohail” refers to a bright star in the sky, often associated with the star Canopus. In Islamic culture, the name Sohail is considered to signify light, brilliance, and guidance, often given to someone who brings clarity or shines brightly in their path. It also carries the connotation of someone who is luminous and distinguished.

Sadiq – صادق

Meaning: سچا، وفادار (Truthful, Loyal)
Explanation: “Sadiq” means truthful, representing someone who is honest and loyal, adhering to integrity in all circumstances.

Siraj – سراج

Meaning: چراغ، روشنی دینے والا (Lamp, Light)
Explanation: “Siraj” refers to a lamp or source of light, symbolizing someone who brings enlightenment and guidance.

Taha – طٰہٰ

Meaning: پاکیزہ (Pure, Sacred)

Explanation:The name Taha is derived from the Quranic letters “T” (ط) and “Ha” (ہ), and it is symbolic of purity and spiritual elevation. It is often associated with the story of Prophet Musa (Moses) in Surah Taha, symbolizing someone chosen by God for a noble and divine mission. The name reflects spiritual purity, divine favor, and being selected for a sacred purpose.

Tahir – طاہر

Meaning: پاک، صاف (Pure)
Explanation: “Tahir” means pure, reflecting someone who is free from impurities, both in spirit and action.

Talha – طلحہ

Meaning: ایک درخت کی قسم (A type of tree)
Explanation: “Talha” refers to a kind of tree, often symbolic of strength, roots, and stability. It represents someone who is grounded and has deep roots in their values.

Tayyab – طیب

Meaning: پاکیزہ، خوشبو دار (Pure, Good)
Explanation: “Tayyab” means pure or wholesome, signifying someone with noble qualities and a fragrant presence.

Tariq – طارق

Meaning: ستارہ، دروازے کی دستک (Star, One who knocks)
Explanation: “Tariq” signifies someone who knocks at the door, metaphorically signifying a new beginning or breakthrough, often related to a star or celestial event.

Umar – عمر

Meaning: زندگی، عمر بھر (Life, Long-lived)
Explanation: The name “Umer” means “long life” or “prosperity,” symbolizing strength, vitality, and success. It was the name of the second caliph in Islam, Umar ibn al-Khattab ( رضي الله عنه), who is known for his justice, leadership, and significant contributions to the spread of Islam.

Usman – عثمان

Meaning: سخی، خالص (Pure, Generous)
Explanation: The name “Usman” means “pure” or “generous,” symbolizing kindness, generosity, and integrity. It was the name of the third caliph in Islam, who is known for his wealth, generosity, and important role in compiling the Quran into one standardized text.

Wahab – وھاب

Meaning: دینے والا، بخشنے والا (Giver, Generous)
Explanation: “Wahab” means the giver or the generous one. It signifies someone who is charitable, selfless, and always willing to help others without expecting anything in return.

Waleed – ولید

Meaning: نیا پیدا ہونے والا (Newborn)
Explanation: “Waleed” signifies a newborn, symbolizing new beginnings and freshness in life.

Yaseen – یٰسین

Meaning: ایک اہم سورۃ کا نام (Name of a significant chapter of the Quran)
Explanation: “Yaseen” is a revered name in Islam, primarily known as the title of a chapter (Surah) in the Quran, which is often referred to as the “heart of the Quran.” It carries spiritual significance, symbolizing a person with strong faith, wisdom, and a special connection to divine guidance.

Yasir – یاسر

Meaning: آسان، خوش حال (Easy-going, Prosperous)
Explanation: “Yasir” means easy-going or prosperous. It represents someone who leads a smooth and comfortable life, often symbolizing success and ease.

Yousuf – یوسف

Meaning: الله کا اضافہ، خوبصورت (Allah will increase, Beautiful)
Explanation: “Yousuf” is a biblical and Quranic name meaning Allah will increase. It refers to someone who is gifted with beauty, wisdom, and charisma, just like Prophet Joseph.

Zahid – زاہد

Meaning: پرہیزگار (Ascetic)
Explanation: “Zahid” refers to someone who practices asceticism, abstaining from material desires to focus on spirituality.

Zia – ضیاء

Meaning: روشنی، چمک (Light, Radiance)
Explanation: “Zia” means light or radiance. It symbolizes someone who brings illumination, hope, and positivity to others, radiating a positive influence.

Zubair – زبیر

Meaning: طاقتور، بہادر (Powerful, Brave)
Explanation: “Zubair” means strong or brave. It represents someone with courage and strength, often used to describe a warrior or someone with great resilience.

Zulfiqar – ذوالفقار

Meaning: ایک مشہور تلوار کا نام (A famous sword)
Explanation: “Zulfiqar” is the name of the famous sword of Imam Ali (رضی اللہ عنہ), symbolizing power, justice, and strength. It represents someone who is a fighter for truth and justice.

Zain ul Abidin – زین العابدین

Meaning: حسن عبادت والا، عبادت کرنے والا (The One with Beautiful Worship, Devotee)
Explanation: “Zain ul Abidin” translates to “The ornament of the worshippers” or “The most beautiful in worship”. The name is particularly associated with Imam Zain ul Abidin, the great-grandson of Prophet Muhammad ( صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم), renowned for his devotion and piety.

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