Linear Interpolation

In this article, we will learn to use the Excel function “Trend” for linear interpolation and verify it through the manual calculation

The 1st question that comes to mind is what is linear interpolation?

Linear interpolation is the method of estimating values between two sets of known values which are linearly connected.


Take the following data and calculate Y corresponds to X = 5:

Known X’sKnown Y’s
Table 1:Available Data
Linear Interpolation Data


To calculate the value of Y corresponds to X = 5


Points are linearly connected. we know that it means if we draw the lines then lines has constant slope

Linear Interpolation through Trend Function of Microsoft Excel

  • Select the output cell, then click on Insert function “fx”
  • In the search bar type “Trend” and click on Go
Excel Trend Function step 1
  • Select “Trend” and press OK
Excel Trend Function step 2
  • Below Window appears on the screen
Excel Trend Function step 3
  • In the Known Y’s range select your Y range values, In the X’s range select the corresponding X range values. Here New X’s is the value, for which the corresponding Y is required. “Const”  is an optional argument it will be “True” or an empty cell, if there is Y-intercept, it will be false if we know the constant term is 0.
  • Apply formula for the given data as shown in the below picture:
Excel Trend Function Result
  • Press OK, in the output cell you get value of Y=9.5 corresponding to the  X=5

Linear Interpolation through Manual Calculation

Here we calculate “Y” at the corresponding new value X = 5 and verify the output result of the Excel function “Trend”

First, select the two points X1 & X2 and take corresponding Y’s values (i.e. Y1 & Y2)


X1=4.0 and corresponding Y1=8.0

X2=6.0 and corresponding Y2=11.0

Since points are linearly connected means having a constant slope (m1=m2), therefore,

Linear interpolation manual calculation

Since the manually calculated value is the same as the value calculated from the “Trend function” of Excel, therefore, result is verified.


  • Using the “Trend” functions in Microsoft Excel, we interpolate the data accurately in a minimum time.
  • We can interpolate thousands of values for future data from present data by using the “Trend” function of Microsoft Excel


I am attaching an Excel sheet of linear interpolation, which makes your calculation easier and faster;

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