Category: Civil Engineering

  • Calculate Wall Weight in KN/m, kg/m & lb/ft

    This calculator gives you the wall weight in following units: In this Calculator, the unit weight of the material is considered as follows: Wall Weight in KN/m, kg/m & lb/ft Wall Weight in KN/m, kg/m & lb/ft Select Wall Material: RCC ConcretePlain ConcreteBrick MasonryBlock Masonry Thickness of Wall (mm): Height of Wall (m): Calculate Weight

  • Flexural Reinforcement Calculator  As per Code ACI 318M

    I discussed the design of beam as a singly reinforced section in detail in my previous post “”. I have also shared an excel sheet for adequacy check of singly reinforced beam cross-section in my post “”. Here I will share a calculator, which calculate the flexural reinforcement requirement of a beam as per ACI…

  • Slab Reinforcement Calculator

    Slab designing is covered in detail in my previous post ““.Here a simple calculator is shared to simplify your calculation and reduce calculation time. Please use and share your comments, for its improvement. Slab Reinforcement Calculation Maximum Moment of 1 meter wide strip (M) in KN-m/m: Compressive Cylindrical Strength of Concrete (fc’) in MPa: Yield…

  • Velocity and Discharge Capacity of a Rectangular Open Drain

    In this post, we determined the velocity of fluid passing through a rectangular open drain  by using Manning’s formula;                                                                                                          V             =             RH 2/3 *So1/2 / n                 Here;                     V            =             Velocity in m/sec                                                                               So           =             Channel bed slope in fraction                                                     RH          =             Hydraulic radius = Cross sectional area of channel / Wetted parameter                   n            …

  • Calculation of Storm Water Runoff

     In this calculator, we will use the “Rational Formula”  to determine the stormwater runoff                                                                                                 Stormwater Runoff in  m3 / sec                     Q             =             C*I*A / 3.6 *106                                     Here;                                                                                                                                     C             Runoff coefficient                                                                                                                           I               Rainfall intensity in mm/hr                                                                                                                           A             Catchment area in m2    Due to the Runoff coefficient value, A is further divided into these five…

  • Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guidelines

    First, for a static equipment foundation, view its general arrangement drawings (GA drawings) and understand that equipment is supported on the concrete foundation, the elevated steel structure, or the steel skid. If it is not clear from the provided GA drawings, then ask the vendor to clarify. Here, we discuss the foundation design of static…

  • Septic Tank Depth Calculator

    A simple calculator determines the approximate size of the Septic tank as per the required capacity. Septic Tank Size Calculator Septic Tank Depth Calculator Number of Persons: Average Usage per Person per Day (in litres): Retention Time (in days): Length of Tank (in meters): Width of Tank (in meters):

  • Excavation Quantity Calculator for Square & Rectangular Footing

    I am introducing a calculator that provides excavation quantity in cum or cft. In this calculator, the excavation angle can change from 0 degrees to 75 degrees. 0 degrees means the excavation is exactly vertical and 75 degrees means, the excavation line makes 15 degrees from the horizontal plane i.e.ground. Use it and share your…

  • Calculate Steel Reinforcement Quantity in Kg & lb

    The calculator shared in this post efficiently computes the weight of reinforcement in both kilograms and pounds. Just type in how many bars you have and how long they are in meters, and it will do the rest for you. Bar diameter is mentioned in # and mm as per ACI standard sizes and selected…

  • UGWT & OHWT Size Calculator

    The below calculator calculates the Size of the tank automatically. Users will input only the required tank capacity in US gallons and water tank depth excluding freeboard. Water Tank Size Calculator Water Tank Size Calculator Required Tank Capacity (US Gallon): Tank Depth/Height (meter): Select Tank Type: Square TankRectangular Tank Calculate Result

  • SWG Steel PlateThickness in mm and inch & their Weight/Area

    In Steel Structural design we often see steel plate thickness in SWG gauge or BWG gauge. However, we need plate thickness in mm or inches for their weight calculation. Below is the table in which plate thickness in mm and inches corresponding to their SWG are shown. Moreover, Weight /Area in kg/m2 and lb/ft2 is…

  • Steel Plate Thickness Calculation

    In the below attached Calculator, you can check whether the steel plate’s provided thickness is adequate in bending. However, the following are the limitations of the calculation: Notes: Kindly note following:
