Build Your Vocabulary: Key English Words and Their Urdu Meanings

Building your vocabulary is essential for effective communication, both personally and professionally. Understanding key English words and their meanings in Urdu can bridge language gaps and enhance your ability to express ideas clearly. By familiarizing yourself with a diverse range of vocabulary, you improve your comprehension of complex texts and boost your confidence in conversations. This guide provides important English terms alongside their Urdu translations, empowering you to incorporate them into your daily language. Whether you’re preparing for a career advancement or simply aiming to improve your communication skills, expanding your vocabulary will undoubtedly open new doors for opportunities and connections.


-Ambitious – having a strong desire for success or achievement; پر عزم  

– Acquire – to gain possession of something; حاصل کرنا  

– Analyze – to examine something in detail to understand it better; تجزیہ کرنا  

– Ancient – very old; قدیم  

– Adapt – to adjust or modify; ڈھالنا  

– Acknowledge – to accept or admit the existence or truth of something; تسلیم کرنا  

– Accurate – free from errors; درست  

– Affection – a gentle feeling of fondness; محبت  

– Astonishing – causing great surprise or wonder; حیران کن  

– Appropriate – suitable or proper in the circumstances; مناسب  

– Appreciate – to recognize the value or significance of something; سراہنا  

– Attend – to be present at an event; شرکت کرنا  

– Advocate – to publicly support a cause or policy; وکالت کرنا  

– Allocate – to distribute resources or duties for a particular purpose; مختص کرنا  

– Anticipate – to expect or predict; پیش گوئی کرنا  

– Assertive – having a confident and forceful personality; پُر اعتماد  

– Attractive – appealing to the senses; دلکش  

– Authentic – genuine; اصلی  

– Awkward – causing or feeling embarrassment; عجیب  

– Accomplish – to achieve or complete successfully; پورا کرنا  


– Believe – to accept something as true; یقین کرنا  

– Benefit – an advantage or profit gained from something; فائدہ  

– Brave – ready to face and endure danger; بہادر  

– Brilliant – very bright or exceptional; شاندار  

– Balance – a state of equilibrium; توازن  

– Behavior – the way in which one acts; سلوک  

– Breakthrough – a significant or sudden advance; انقلابی ترقی  

– Blend – to mix or combine; ملاوٹ  

– Banish – to expel or get rid of something; بے دخل کرنا  

– Boundless – limitless; بے حد  

– Bizarre – very strange or unusual; عجیب  

– Boost – to increase or improve; بڑھانا  

– Burden – a heavy load; بوجھ  

– Broaden – to expand in scope; وسعت دینا  

– Bounty – generosity in giving; انعام  

– Beautiful – pleasing to the senses; خوبصورت  

– Bashful – shy or self-conscious; شرمیلا  

– Beneficial – producing good results; فائدہ مند  

– Breathe – to take in air; سانس لینا  

– Belong – to be a member of; تعلق رکھنا  


– Commence – to begin or start; شروع کرنا  

– Contribute – to give something like money or time for a common purpose; تعاون کرنا  

– Comprehend – to understand fully; سمجھنا  

– Compromise – an agreement reached by mutual concession; سمجھوتہ  

– Contemplate – to think deeply about something; غور و فکر کرنا  

– Character – the mental and moral qualities of an individual; کردار  

– Critique – to evaluate in a detailed manner; تنقید کرنا  

– Convince – to persuade someone to believe or do something; قائل کرنا  

– Conform – to comply with rules or standards; مطابق ہونا  

– Courageous – showing bravery; دلیر  

– Cultivate – to develop or improve by education or training; نشوونما دینا  

– Collaborate – to work jointly on an activity; تعاون کرنا  

– Complicated – difficult to understand; پیچیدہ  

– Celebrate – to acknowledge a significant event; منانا  

– Conspiracy – a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful; سازش  

– Consistent – acting or done in the same way over time; مستقل  

– Curiosity – a strong desire to learn; تجسس  

– Captivate – to attract and hold the interest of; دلکش بنانا  

– Clarity – the quality of being clear; وضاحت  

– Challenge – a difficult task or situation; چیلنج  


-Determine – to firmly decide; فیصلہ کرنا  

– Dynamic – characterized by constant change; متحرک  

– Diverse – showing a great deal of variety; متنوع  

– Distribute – to hand out or spread over an area; تقسیم کرنا  

– Document – a written or printed paper; دستاویز  

– Disclose – to make something known; افشا کرنا  

– Dedicate – to devote time to a particular purpose; وقف کرنا  

– Devote – to give all or a large part of one’s time; وقف کرنا  

– Distinguish – to recognize or point out the difference; ممتاز کرنا  

– Distraction – something that diverts attention; توجہ میں خلل  

– Discern – to perceive or recognize; پہچاننا  

– Diligent – showing care in one’s work; محنتی  

– Delightful – causing great pleasure; خوشگوار  

– Dialogue – a conversation between two or more people; مکالمہ  

– Dependent – relying on someone or something else; انحصار کرنے والا  

– Daring – adventurous or audacious; جرات مندانہ  

– Diminish – to make or become less; کم کرنا  

– Disturb – to interfere with or interrupt; پریشان کرنا  

– Dynamic – characterized by constant change; متحرک  

– Drastic – likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect; شدید  


-Elaborate – to explain in more detail; تفصیل دینا  

– Enhance – to improve the quality or value of something; بڑھانا  

– Enrich – to improve the quality of; مالا مال کرنا  

– Establish – to set up or create; قائم کرنا  

– Evaluate – to assess the quality or importance; جانچنا  

– Empower – to give someone the authority or power; بااختیار بنانا  

– Eloquent – fluent or persuasive in speaking; فصیح  

– Essential – absolutely necessary; لازمی  

– Endure – to suffer patiently; برداشت کرنا  

– Engage – to attract or involve someone’s interest; مشغول کرنا  

– Explore – to investigate or study; دریافت کرنا  

– Exceed – to go beyond the limit; تجاوز کرنا  

– Exquisite – extremely beautiful; شاندار  

– Exhibit – to display; نمائش کرنا  

– Encourage – to give support or confidence; حوصلہ افزائی کرنا  

– Emerge – to come into view; ابھرنا  

– Eccentric – unconventional and slightly strange; عجیب  

– Evolve – to develop gradually; ترقی کرنا  

– Embrace – to hold closely in one’s arms; گلے لگانا 


-Facilitate: Make easier آسان بنانا  

– Feasibility: Practicality of a plan ممکن ہونا  

– Fiduciary: Related to trust; especially in finance امانت دار  

– Framework: Basic structure ڈھانچہ  

– Fundamental: Basic or essential بنیادی  

– Feedback: Response regarding performance رائے  

– Forecast: Prediction based on data پیش گوئی  

– Foster: Encourage growth or development پروان چڑھانا  

– Functionality: The quality of being suited to serve a purpose فعالیت  

– Formulate: Create or devise a strategy ترکیب کرنا  

– Financier: One who provides financial support مالی مددگار  

– Flexibility: Adaptability to change لچکدار  

– Fiscal: Relating to government revenue and expenditure مالیاتی  

– Facilitation: The act of making something easier سہولت دینا  

– Fidelity: Faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief وفاداری  

– Function: Purpose or role of something فعل  

– Forecasting: Predicting future events based on data پیش گوئی کرنا  

– Fraud: Wrongful or criminal deception دھوکہ  

– Fostering: Encouraging the development of something پروان چڑھانا  

– Flourish: To grow or develop in a healthy way پھلنا پھولنا  

– Fluctuate: To change frequently متغیر ہونا  

– Foresee: To predict or anticipate پیش بینی کرنا  

– Frustrate: To prevent from achieving a goal ناکام کرنا  

– Fortunate: Favored by luck خوش قسمت  

– Fragile: Easily broken or damaged نازک  

– Fathom: To understand fully سمجھنا  

– Fascinate: To attract and hold the interest of متوجہ کرنا  

– Futile: Incapable of producing any useful result بے سود  

– Formidable: Inspiring fear or respect through being powerful خوفناک  

– Flamboyant: Tending to attract attention because of exuberance متوجہ کرنے والا  


Governance: The act of governing حکمرانی  

Growth: Increase in size, number, or value ترقی  

Guidelines: Recommended practices or instructions رہنما خطوط  

Goals: Objectives or desired outcomes مقاصد  

Grant: A financial award for a specific purpose گرانٹ  

Globalization: The process of interaction among cultures عالمگیریت  

Gaps: Discrepancies or deficiencies خلا  

Grievance: A complaint about unfair treatment شکایت  

Greenfield: A project that starts from scratch نئے پروجیکٹ  

Group dynamics: Interactions within a team گروہی حرکیات  

Generate – to produce or create; پیدا کرنا  

Grateful – feeling or showing gratitude; شکر گزار  

Gather – to collect or bring together; جمع کرنا  

Genuine – truly what something is said to be; حقیقی  

Glimpse – a momentary or partial view; جھلک  

Grasp – to seize or hold firmly; سمجھنا  

Growth – the process of increasing in size; ترقی  

Guardian – a protector or defender; محافظ  

Gloomy – dark or poorly lit; اداس  

Gallant – brave or heroic; بہادر  

Guide – to direct or lead; رہنمائی کرنا  

Glamorous – attractive in a sophisticated way; دلکش  

Gracious – courteous, kind, and pleasant; مہربان  

Gradual – taking place or progressing slowly; بتدریج  

Guarantee – a promise or assurance; ضمانت  

Glaring – very bright or obvious; چمکدار  

Gritty – showing courage and resolve; مضبوط  

Giddy – having a sensation of whirling; بے خودی  

Goal-oriented – focused on achieving specific goals; مقصد پر توجہ مرکوز  


Hurdle: An obstacle or challenge رکاوٹ  

Holistic: Considering the whole rather than parts مکمل نظریہ  

Hierarchy: A system of organization with ranked levels درجہ بندی  

Human resources: Personnel involved in managing an organization انسانی وسائل  

Hindsight: Understanding of a situation after it has happened پچھتاوا  

Hypothesis: A proposed explanation for a phenomenon مفروضہ  

Hosting: Providing the resources to facilitate an event مہمان نوازی  

Harmonization: Bringing into agreement or alignment ہم آہنگی  

Hazard: A potential source of harm خطرہ  

Harmonious: Forming a pleasing or consistent whole ہم آہنگ  

Hesitate: To pause before saying or doing something ہچکچانا  

Humble: Having a modest opinion of one’s importance عاجز  

Highlight: To emphasize or make something stand out اجاگر کرنا  

Hesitant: Tentative, unsure, or slow in acting ہچکچاتے ہوئے  

Hostile: Unfriendly or antagonistic دشمنانہ  

Healing: The process of making or becoming sound or healthy again شفا بخش  

Humorous: Funny or comical مزاحیہ  

Honor: To regard with great respect عزت دینا  

Hasty: Done with excessive speed جلد بازی  

Habitat: The natural home of an animal or plant رہائش  

Herald: To announce or proclaim خبردار کرنا  

Heed: To pay attention to توجہ دینا  

Hazardous: Risky or dangerous خطرناک  


Implementation: The process of putting a decision into effect عمل درآمد  

Innovation: Introduction of new ideas or methods جدت  

Integration: Combining parts into a whole انضمام  

Insight: Deep understanding of a complex issue بصیرت  

Inventory: A complete list of items انوینٹری  

Initiative: The ability to assess and initiate things independently ابتدائی اقدام  

Impact: The effect or influence of one thing on another اثر  

Interdependence: Mutual reliance between groups or systems باہمی انحصار  

Indicator: A statistic or measure that reflects a situation اشارہ  

Iteration: Repeating a process for improvement تکرار  

Inspire: To fill someone with the urge to do something متاثر کرنا  

Innovate: To introduce something new نئی راہیں اپنانا  

Integrate: To combine one thing with another ضم کرنا  

Intimidate: To frighten or make someone feel afraid خوفزدہ کرنا  

Imply: To suggest something without saying it outright اشارہ کرنا  

Illuminate: To light up or make clear روشن کرنا  

Immediate: Occurring or done at once فوری  

Intrepid: Fearless بے خوف  

Intricate: Very detailed and complicated پیچیدہ  

Inquire: To ask for information پوچھنا  

Influence: The capacity to have an effect on someone or something اثر انداز ہونا  

Isolate: To separate from others الگ کرنا  

Immense: Extremely large or great بے حد  

Intent: Intention or purpose نیت  

Indicate: To point out or show اشارہ کرنا  

Invaluable: Extremely useful انمول  

Instruct: To teach or give orders ہدایت دینا  

Impressive: Evoking admiration through quality متاثر کن  

Invincible: Too powerful to be defeated ناقابل شکست  


Journey: An act of traveling from one place to another سفر  

Justify: To show or prove to be right جواز پیش کرنا  

Jubilant: Feeling or expressing great happiness خوش  

Juggle: To handle or manage many things at once ایک ساتھ کرنا  

Judicious: Having, showing, or done with good judgment عقلمند  

Jovial: Cheerful and friendly خوش مزاج  

Juxtapose: To place side by side for comparison پہلو بہ پہلو رکھنا  

Junction: A point where two or more things meet تقاطع  

Jubilate: To show or feel great joy خوشی منانا  

Jeopardy: Danger of loss or harm خطرہ  

Jargon: Special words or expressions اصطلاحات  

Jammed: Crowded or blocked پھنسنا  

Jaded: Tired or worn out تھکا ہوا  

Judicial: Relating to the administration of justice عدالتی  

Juicy: Full of juice رس دار  


Kooky: Strange or eccentric عجیب  

Kernel: A softer, usually edible part of a seed دانہ  

Karma: The sum of a person’s actions کرما  

Key: Crucial or essential اہم  

Kind: Having a friendly or gentle nature مہربان  

Keen: Having a sharp edge or point تیز  

Knot: A fastening made by tying a piece of string or rope گتھی

Kudos: Praise or recognition for an achievement تعریف

Kiosk: A small structure used for selling goods or providing information دکان

Keenly: In a way that shows enthusiasm or eagerness انتہائی

Kaleidoscope: A tube with mirrors and colored glass that creates changing patterns when viewed دوربین رنگین

Kinetic: Related to motion حرکی


Learn: To gain knowledge or understanding سیکھنا  

Lament: To express sorrow or regret افسوس کرنا  

Luminous: Bright or shining چمکدار  

Legacy: Something handed down from the past ورثہ  

Lure: To attract or entice لالچ دینا  

Logical: Clear reasoning منطقی  

Lavish: Sumptuously rich or elaborate بھرپور  

Limitless: Without limits بے حد  

Lively: Full of life and energy زندہ دل  

Loyal: Showing firm support وفادار  

Longevity: Long duration of life طویل عمر  

Labyrinth: A complicated network of paths بھول بھلیاں  

Lethargic: Sluggish and apathetic سست  

Lucid: Expressed clearly واضح  

Lustrous: Shining چمکدار  

Lamentation: The passionate expression of grief رنج و غم  

Leadership: The action of leading a group قیادت  

Lattice: A structure consisting of strips جال  

Lamentable: Deserving of regret افسوسناک  

Leverage: The exertion of force فائدہ اٹھانا  


Motivate: To provide someone with a reason to act تحریک دینا  

Magnificent: Impressively beautiful شاندار  

Manage: To be in charge of انتظام کرنا  

Mystical: Having a spiritual meaning پراسرار  

Mediate: To intervene between people ثالثی کرنا  

Manifest: To display or show ظاہر کرنا  

Methodical: Done according to a systematic plan منظم  

Meaningful: Having significance معنی خیز  

Milestone: A significant stage in development سنگ میل  

Multitude: A large number of people or things کثرت  

Magnitude: The great size or extent of something شدت  

Merge: To combine ضم ہونا  

Maintain: To keep in an existing state برقرار رکھنا  

Mentor: An experienced and trusted advisor رہنما  

Monument: A structure erected to commemorate یادگار  

Mischievous: Causing or showing a fondness for causing trouble شرارتی  

Motif: A distinctive feature or recurring idea نمونہ  

Mesmerize: To hold the attention of someone متوجہ کرنا  

Mediocre: Of only moderate quality اوسط  

Modest: Unassuming in the estimation of one’s abilities عاجز  


Navigate: To plan and direct a route راستہ تلاش کرنا

Nourish: To provide with food or other substances پالن کرنا  

Negotiate: To try to reach an agreement بات چیت کرنا  

Nurture: To care for and encourage growth پرورش کرنا  

Noteworthy: Deserving attention قابل ذکر  

Noble: Having or showing fine personal qualities باہمت  

Nimble: Quick and light in movement پھرتیلا  

Novel: New or unusual in an interesting way نیا  

Nostalgia: A sentimental longing for the past ماضی کی یاد  

Nurturing: Promoting growth or development پالنا  

Neutral: Not helping or supporting either side غیر جانبدار  

Notorious: Famous or well known, typically for some bad quality بدنام  

Negotiable: Open to discussion or modification بات چیت کے قابل  


Obtain: To acquire or get حاصل کرنا  

Observe: To watch carefully دیکھنا  

Optimize: To make the best or most effective use of بہتر بنانا  

Outrageous: Shockingly bad or excessive ناقابل برداشت  

Overcome: To succeed in dealing with a problem قابو پانا  

Obscure: Not well known مبہم  

Occupy: To take up space or time قبضہ کرنا  

Ominous: Giving the impression that something bad is going to happen منحوس  

Overwhelm: To be too much to handle مغلوب کرنا  

Outlook: A person’s point of view نقطہ نظر  

Obsolete: No longer produced or used قدیم  

Ordinary: With no special or distinctive features عام  

Objective: Not influenced by personal feelings معروضی  

Optimal: Most favorable بہترین  

Obsession: An idea or thought that continually preoccupies someone جنون  

Outrage: A strong reaction of anger غصہ  

Oasis: A fertile spot in a desert نخلستان  

Opulent: Ostentatiously rich عیش و عشرت  

Overlook: To fail to notice نظر انداز کرنا  


Perceive: To become aware of something through the senses محسوس کرنا  

Participate: To take part in an activity شرکت کرنا  

Ponder: To think about something carefully غور کرنا  

Persist: To continue steadfastly قائم رہنا  

Persevere: To continue in a course of action despite difficulty ثابت قدم رہنا  

Promote: To support or actively encourage فروغ دینا  

Proficient: Competent or skilled in doing something ماہر  

Provoke: To stimulate or incite a reaction اشتعال دلانا  

Plausible: Seeming reasonable or probable معقول  

Potential: Having the capacity to develop into something ممکنہ  

Precede: To come before پیش آنا  

Perplex: To confuse الجھن میں ڈالنا  

Precise: Exact درست  

Presume: To suppose something is the case فرض کرنا  

Prominent: Important or famous نمایاں  

Pristine: In its original condition خالص  

Profound: Having deep meaning عمیق  

Persuade: To cause someone to do something through

 reasoning قائل کرنا  

Precarious: Not securely held or in position خطرناک  

Pragmatic: Dealing with things sensibly and realistically عملی  

Proximity: Nearness in space, time, or relationship نزدیکی  

Philanthropy: The desire to promote the welfare of others خیرخواہی  

Preservation: The act of maintaining something in its original state تحفظ  

Patronize: To treat with an apparent kindness that betrays a feeling of superiority سرپرستی کرنا  


Quality: The standard of something as measured against other things معیار

Quantitative: Relating to, measuring, or measured by the quantity of something مقداری

Questioning: The act of asking questions to gather information سوال کرنا

Quotation: A repetition of someone else’s statement or thoughts اقتباس

Quarrel – a heated argument; جھگڑا  

Quagmire – a difficult situation; دقت  

Quintessential – representing the most perfect example of a quality; مثالی  

Quintessence – the most perfect example; روح  

Quirk – a peculiar behavioral habit; عادت


Risk: Exposure to danger, harm, or loss خطرہ

Resolution: A firm decision to do or not to do something عزم

Resource: A source of supply or support وسائل

Revenue: Income generated from normal business operations آمدنی

Regulation: A rule or directive made and maintained by an authority ضابطہ

Regenerate – to grow back or replace; دوبارہ پیدا کرنا  

Revitalize – to restore vitality; نئی زندگی دینا  

Resilient – able to recover quickly; لچکدار  

Radiate – to emit energy; تابناک ہونا  

Resolve – to settle or find a solution; حل کرنا  

Revolutionize – to change something fundamentally; انقلابی تبدیلی لانا  

Reinforce – to strengthen or support; مضبوط کرنا  

Reflect – to throw back light; عکاسی کرنا  

Rational – based on reason; منطقی  

Reinstate – to restore to a previous position; بحال کرنا  

Recollect – to remember; یاد کرنا  

Resonate – to produce a deep, full sound; گونجنا  

Revolution – a drastic change; انقلاب  

Remarkable – worthy of attention; شاندار  

Revive – to bring back to life; بحال کرنا  

Redundant – not or no longer needed; زائد  

Radiant – emitting light or heat; چمکتا ہوا  

Resist – to withstand the action of; مزاحمت کرنا  


Strategy: A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term goal حکمت عملی

Sustainability: The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level پائیداری

Synergy: The interaction of elements that produce a greater effect ہم آہنگی

Systematic: Done according to a fixed plan or system نظامی

Stimulate – to encourage or provoke a response; متحرک کرنا  

Significant – sufficiently great or important; اہم  

Scrutinize – to examine closely; باریک بینی سے دیکھنا  

Substantiate – to provide evidence to support; ثابت کرنا  

Simplify – to make something easier to understand; آسان کرنا  

Succeed – to achieve a desired aim; کامیاب ہونا  

Surpass – to exceed; پیچھے چھوڑ دینا  

Spontaneous – occurring without premeditation; خود بخود  

Solidify – to make something more definite; مستحکم کرنا  

Skeptical – not easily convinced; شک کرنے والا  

Strive – to make great efforts; جدوجہد کرنا  

Sympathy – feelings of pity and sorrow; ہمدردی  

Seamless – smooth and without interruptions; ہموار  

Saturated-soaked; سیراب  

Synthesize – to combine into a coherent whole; ہم آہنگ کرنا  

Scrutinize – to examine closely; باریک بینی سے دیکھنا  

Sustain – to support physically or mentally; برقرار رکھنا 


Target: A goal or objective that one aims to achieve ہدف

Transparency: Openness; clear visibility of actions شفافیت

Training: The action of teaching a person or group a particular skill تربیت

Trend: A general direction in which something is developing رجحان

Transform – to make a thorough or dramatic change; تبدیل کرنا  

Thrive – to grow or develop well; پھلنا پھولنا  

Tolerate – to allow the existence of; برداشت کرنا  

Translate – to express in another language; ترجمہ کرنا  

Tangible – perceptible by touch; محسوس ہونے والا  

Tremendous – very large or great; زبردست  

Tranquil – free from disturbance; پُرسکون  

Thorough – complete about every detail; مکمل  

Tactful – showing sensitivity in dealing with others; مہذب  

Tribute – an act or statement that is intended to show gratitude; خراج تحسین  

Terminate – to bring to an end; ختم کرنا  

Transformative – causing a marked change; تبدیلی لانے والا  

Tenacious – holding fast; stubborn; مضبوط  

Tactical – relating to actions carefully planned; تزویراتی  

Timid – showing a lack of courage; خوفزدہ  

Thesis – a statement or theory to be tested; تھیسس  

Tantalize – to tease by keeping something desirable just out of reach; لالچ دینا  

Traditional – existing in or as part of a tradition; روایتی  

Transcend – to go beyond the limits; عبور کرنا  


– Uncertainty: The state of being uncertain or unpredictable (عدم یقین)

– Underlying: Fundamental; not immediately obvious (بنیادی)

Utilize – to make practical use of; استعمال کرنا  

Unify – to make or become united; اتحاد کرنا  

Uplift – to raise the spirits; بلند کرنا  

Unravel – to disentangle; کھولنا  

Ultimate – being or happening at the end; حتمی  

Unprecedented – never done or known before; بے نظیر  

Unyielding – not giving way to pressure; سخت  

Understand – to grasp the idea; سمجھنا   

Urban – relating to a city; شہری  

Undermine – to weaken gradually; کمزور کرنا  

Unveil – to reveal; سامنے لانا  

Unconditional – not subject to any conditions; بلا شرط  

Unsettled – disturbed or troubled; غیر مستحکم  

Upward – moving towards a higher place; اوپر کی طرف  

Unwieldy – difficult to carry or move; بے ہنگم  

Undisputed – accepted without question; غیر متنازع  

Unity – the state of being united; اتحاد  

Unorthodox – contrary to what is usual; غیر روایتی  


Value: The importance, worth, or usefulness of something قدر

Validation: The action of checking or proving the accuracy of something توثیق

Venture: A risky or daring journey or undertaking کاروبار

Viability: Ability to work successfully عمل داری

Variables: Elements, features, or factors that can change متغیرات

Vulnerability: The quality of being open to injury or harm کمزوری

Validate – to check or prove the validity; درست کرنا  

Vibrant – full of energy and life; متحرک  

Visionary – thinking about or planning the future; بصیرت رکھنے والا  

Validate – to confirm the accuracy; توثیق کرنا  

Venture – a risky or daring journey; خطرہ  

Vicarious – experienced through the feelings or actions of another; غیر براہ راست  

Venerate – to regard with great respect; احترام کرنا  

Versatile – able ; انتہائی اہم  

Volatile – liable to cto adapt or be adapted to many different functions; لچکدار  

Vital – absolutely necessary change rapidly; غیر مستحکم  

Vigor – physical strength and good health; توانائی  

Vantage – a position providing a good view; نقطہ نظر  

Viable – capable of working successfully; قابل عمل  

Validate – to confirm the validity; توثیق کرنا  

Vigilant – keeping careful watch for possible danger; چوکنا  

Vivid – producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images; واضح  

Vanquish – to defeat thoroughly; فتح پانا  

Veneration – great respect; احترام  

Virtuous – having or showing high moral standards; نیک  


Warrant – to justify or necessitate a course of action; ضمانت دینا  

Wield – to hold and use (a weapon or tool); استعمال کرنا  

Wholesome – conducive to health; صحت مند  

Wander – to move about without a fixed course; گھومنا  

Weary – feeling or showing tiredness; تھکا ہوا  

Witty – showing quick and inventive verbal humor; ذہین  

Witness – to see an event; گواہی دینا  

Worthy – having value; قابل  

Wieldy – easy to wield; ہلکا پھلکا  

Whimsical – playfully quaint or fanciful; خیالوں کا  

Withstand – to hold out against; برداشت کرنا  

Wrest – to forcibly pull something away; چھیننا  

Warranted – justified; مستحق  

Wane – to decrease in vigor; کم ہونا  

Wistful – having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing; اداس  

Wisdom – the quality of having experience and good judgment; حکمت  

Wry – using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor; طنزیہ  

Wrangle – to argue or dispute; جھگڑا کرنا  

Wieldy – easy to wield; ہلکا پھلکا  

Wistful – having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing; اداس  

– Workforce: The labor pool in employment ورک فورس

– Workflow: The sequence of processes through which work passes ورک فلو


Xenophobia: Dislike or prejudice against people from other countries غیر قومیت سے خوف

Xerox: To make a copy of a document کاپی کرنا

X-factor: A noteworthy special talent or quality خاص خوبی

Xerophyte – a plant adapted to a dry environment; خشک جگہ کا پودا  

Xenon – a chemical element; ایک کیمیائی عنصر  

Xenial – hospitable; مہمان نواز  

Xylophone – a musical instrument; ایک موسیقی کا آلہ  

X-factor – an outstanding or extraordinary quality; منفرد خاصیت  

X-ray – a form of electromagnetic radiation; ایک قسم کی شعاع  

Xenogeny – the origin of organisms from foreign or alien sources; غیر ملکی ذرائع سے ماخذ  

Xenolith – a rock fragment foreign to the igneous rock in which it is embedded; غیر ملکی پتھر  

Xylograph – an engraving on wood; لکڑی پر کندہ کاری  

Xenocentric – focused on the cultures of other people; ثقافتوں کی توجہ  

Xenophobe – a person who dislikes or prejudices against people from other countries; غیر ملکیوں سے نفرت کرنے والا  

Xenogenetic – originating from a foreign source; غیر ملکی ذرائع سے پیدا ہونے والا  

Xenotransplant – the transplantation of organs between different species; مختلف اقسام کے درمیان اعضاء کی پیوند کاری  

Xenobiotic – a chemical compound foreign to a living organism; زندہ مخلوق کے لئے غیر ملکی کیمیائی مرکب  


Yearly: Occurring every year سالانہ

Yield: The amount produced or returned پیداوار

Yearn: To have an intense feeling of longing آرزو کرنا

Yellow flag: A warning signal, especially in business ہوشیاری کا نشان

Yummy – very pleasing to the taste; مزیدار  

Yoke – to join together; جوڑنا  

Yare – lively; جلدی  

Yen – a strong desire; خواہش  

Yowl – to make a loud wailing cry; چلا کر آواز دینا  

Yonderly – distant; دور  

Yapping – to talk incessantly; بکواس کرنا  

Yardstick – a standard for measuring; معیار  


Zeal: Great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause پرجوشی

Zenith: The highest point or peak عروج

Zephyr: A gentle breeze, often used metaphorically in business to describe a light touch or influence ہلکی ہوا

Zest – great enthusiasm; خوشی  

Zany – amusingly unconventional; مضحک  

Zodiac – a circle of twelve 30° divisions of celestial longitude; زائچہ  

Zestful – full of energy and enthusiasm; خوش  

Zen – a state of calm attentiveness; سکون  

Zestfully – with great enthusiasm; جوش و خروش کے ساتھ  

Zing – a quality of being exciting or lively; دلچسپی  

Zoom – to move quickly; تیز چلنا  

Zygote – a fertilized ovum; زائیگوٹ  

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